I can hardly believe a month has flown by since we first held you in our arms. We waited nine long months to meet you and boy were you worth the wait. Your daddy and I both love you so much and have so many hopes and dreams for you - most importantly that you are always happy and healthy. You are a good baby, rarely crying unless you are hungry or tired. You aren't on much of a schedule yet - you sleep most of the day and wake up two or three times at night to eat. I have noticed that you are awake for longer periods between feedings during the day though and shorter periods after your nightime feedings. You are almost ten pounds already and have grown three inches since birth - you have outgrown all of your newborn clothes and some of your 0-3 month. You are drinking 3-4 ounces of milk every 2-3 hours. Seems like you are always hungry but I know you're just a growing boy :)
You spend your awake hours staring at your abuelita as she talks and sings to you in spanish - she's so in love with you as well and would hold you 24 hours a day if she didn't have to sleep. You spend the evenings alternating between rocking with Grandma Janet or sitting propped up on Grandpa's knees and love laying in bed with daddy when he gets home from work. You are starting to coo a bit, especially while you're getting your diaper changed which you are finally getting used to - you cried during most diaper and clothing changes up until recently. You are also starting to smile a bit and have the most adorable dimple in your cheek. You are a great sport while mommy takes your picture three or four times a week. You are such a strong little guy already - holding your head up steady for 10-20 seconds while on your belly on the boppy - tummy time should be a breeze for you.
You are growing and changing so much every day. I can't wait to see your little personality unfold.
A couple of pics taken on your month birthday :)
With your soccer ball from cousin Brian - he thinks you have great potential :)
Your one month pic with your bear - I'll take one every month to show your growth!
Loved the updates, Kristen! You're doing so good at keeping up!! He sure is a cutie and I'm so happy for you! And don't worry about the schedule, that will come. My kids didn't get into any kind of solid schedule till they were well into their 3rd month. But here's hoping the little guy spends more time asleep at night in the near future!! :)
ReplyDeleteHe's such a charmer!